City Tab

City Tab Icon

City Tab

These parameters are applicable only to City objects. All these settings are uploaded with map into the GPS device.

City is the text that is displayed next to the object icon in the GPS. User is not allowed to type the city name directly into this box. It is necessary to fill the Countries and Cities table first (click on the button at the bottom). Then it is possible to choose city from drop-down list in this combo box.

Please note: City objects with undefined name are not uploaded into the GPS device.

Coordinate controls allow you to change the object position. To change position format, use the main menu Edit > Preferences

Meaning of controls marked by arrow 1 and 2 is the same as on the area or line tab.

The list in the middle is the City Type.

Icons in the type list show how the City will look like in the color GPS (left icon) and monochrome GPS (right icon).